90 Year Old Japanese Great-Grandmother And Her Incredible Joy Of Living

This lovely Japanese lady could even teach millenials a trick or two on how to capture the life’s most joyful moments and turn them into magic.

Last year, Kimiko Nishimoto took the internet by storm with self-portraits casting herself as a dog, a frog or even a witch roaming the vicinity on her broomstick – almost like a Harry Potter character that accidentaly made their escape from the pages of the book.

Her recent debut in the world of social media made her famous beyond the boundries of a Japanese province where she lived. In December, she was even honored in Tokyo, where many of her followers visited the gallery exhibiting her works.

Kimiko is, indeed, a tech-savvy lady who runs and manages her Instagram account herself, sharing pictures captured and manipulated in photo editing programs… also by herself.

Scroll down and see how Kimiko, at the age of 90,  turns her ordinary days into photos filled with light-hearted humor.

More info: Instagram / Source

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